Writer, Researcher, Social Scientist

December 2022

What are your New Years Resolutions for 2023?

I’ve never really been one for resolutions. If I want to do something, the date and time hasn’t even been contemplated in my decision-making process. I just work to do the thing I want to do, and do it as soon as I can. I’m a practical person, for sure, but this coming year is a little different. I have goals, and I need to stick to them.

2022 was all about laying the groundwork for the life I want to lead as we move through this decade and into our future as a nation. My resolutions reflect a continuation of that process, but with one major change: I am never using Amazon Prime again.

We ended up having to order a few things from Amazon ahead of Christmas, and one of the most important gifts never showed up. We received all of the necessary information to prove that it was delivered by Amazon, but the thing wasn’t here. We ended up having to run out on Christmas Eve into the masses of people doing their last-minute buying, and it was grim.

In 2023, I am only buying gifts for others from Public Square. I have to keep reminding myself that every day, despite not being able to vote in any political elections, I am voting with my wallet. I’m sick of giving my money to a company that doesn’t care about its employees or the long-term sustainability of its business practice and employment of others. Yes, it might be practical, but Amazon does not have a business model that makes me comfortable.

On the other hand, Public Square is problem-solving in real time. By buying from small businesses around America, I know that my money is feeding into a sustainable system for our nation.

My second New Years Resolution somewhat plays into this, as I expect to be spending a fair amount of time and money on our amazing new garden in 2023. Any future products I need to make that happen, I’ll either be buying locally or sourcing for Public Square.

Building the garden isn’t just a hobby. From the myriad stories I’ve written this year for the Daily Caller, and the conversations I’ve had on Joe Pags Show and Newsmax, I have a feeling that some major changes are coming our way in the new year. I want to ensure that, no matter those changes, and any difficulty we may come across, doesn’t impact the physical health of my family.

And, it’s not like food prices are getting any lower. Have you seen how expensive it is to shop for food these days? We paid $15 at a Food Lion in a small, blue collar town here in NC, for 18 eggs and a pack of soft drinks. Seriously. What the heck! The same purchase would have been 1/3 of the price just a few years ago.

Finally, my last resolution is to keep bringing you the biggest and most important stories to me in 2023. I can’t lie and say they’ll be the most important stories to everyone, but if I’m writing about it, it’s probably playing into a bigger theme or concern I’ve got for the future. From space exploration to violent crime in America’s cities, I’ll continue to keep my finger on the pulse of our future.

BONUS: Brand new content will be heading your way in 2023, so you should keep your finger on the pulse too! And no matter what, have a Happy New Year!