Writer, Researcher, Social Scientist

August 2023: Time For A Fresh Start

August felt stagnant. The air was thick. The humidity was high. But as the skies clear after Hurricane Idalia, it feels like a fresh start is on the horizon.

PublicSq released one of the best company commercials I’ve ever seen, which got me thinking about how valuable our values are when we share them as broadly as possible (and without apology). So, learning from the amazing, loyal team at PSQ, I thought long and hard about my values, what I find the most important to me, my family, this country, and the planet we share together.

And that’s when I realized I spend huge amount of time talking about shit I literally don’t care about. But, you know what I do care about? Avoiding the next major form of authoritarian control.

With rumors swirling about another potential set of lockdowns, mask mandates, and more heading our way, now is the time to DOWNLOAD PublicSq and/or get your business registered on the site. If we really are going to be locked inside again, then I am not having a single thing ordered to my house from a company that supports this type of psychotic control.

And you should be thinking the same. Download the PublicSq app today. It’s just that simple.

July 2023: New Opportunities

I would never, not in a million years, ever have thought I’d recommend y’all watch Jim Cramer. Ever. But here we are. I am going to highly recommend you watch this clip of Cramer and some other dude (who cares) as the yell, scream at each other over the chants of “USA” coming from the floor of the New York Stock Exchange.

People from all walks of life were down there celebrating PublicSq. And I was too.

A little over a year ago, I met with PublicSq’s CEO Michael Seifert at a conference in California. He’d driven out to the desert to meet with me and a handful of other like-minded patriots. I was his first meeting of the day. It was 7 or 7:30am, and I was definitely feeling the night before. I was also riddled with bug bites from a trip to the swamp, and in the midst of an allergic reaction that was running me a pretty mean temperature.

Those who know me well, know that in any other situation like this, there is no way I’d be making that meeting. But, with yesterday’s make-up still on, I felt like there was nothing more important than meeting Mike, and I didn’t even know what PublicSq was.

We talked for 30 minutes, and he changed the trajectory of my life. Just before we’d met, I had started to feel disenfranchised with the world. Thanks to social media shadow bans, I didn’t think there was anyone else trying to protect the idea that is America. That built America to the leader it is today.

Thanks to Mike and PublicSq, I now find myself surrounded by brilliant thinkers, warriors, and patriots. And you can be too. Download the PublicSq app today. It’s just that simple.

Was June 2023 Crazy For Anyone Else?

I’m getting this one to you late again because June was the craziest month I’ve had in a hot minute. It felt like the first two weeks flew by, and then the rest of the month was the entire summer. The first thing that really blew my mind this month was the fact that Amazon shut down a guy’s smart home because one of the company’s delivery drivers thought his webcam doorbell said something racist. Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. I ended up emailing back and forth with Amazon about the whole situation, and it’s completely legit. This is precisely why no one should have a smart home. Ever. From any company. Ever. Check out this video I made about it.

Next up, I had a pretty positive month in the garden. All of my veggies have erupted. I am having a lot of trouble with bugs, so if anyone has any recommendations, I am all ears. Just please make sure all companies you send along are on PublicSq. The last thing I want is to have to buy something off Amazon!

This all brings me to my last point — that no matter how crazy things got for me this month (and there was SO MUCH MORE) — sticking with my values and ensuring that I’m helping keep America a patriotic place. You can do the same. Just click the links and get set-up on PublicSq today!